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Invest in your family holiday and ski together with our Family Time package

(see prices & packages)

At Skiplex we completely understand the importance of getting the most out of your family ski holiday. These holidays are a time when the whole family can be together, enjoy the mountains and not have to worry about the hustle and bustle of life back home. 

Often however, children are placed into ski school for the whole day, meaning you as parents don't get the chance to see them develop and progress, or indeed spend any time with them on the slopes. Alternatively, you ski with your children but may find yourselves held back on the beginner slopes as they find their feet in their heavy clumpy ski boots and slippy-slidey skis.

Maximise your time as a family in resort and invest in your holiday by visiting Skiplex first. We provide lessons for the whole family, either individually or as a group, we do allow children as young as 4 years old to ski as long as they are accompanied by an adult on the slope at all times. Although we will always group you by ability as much as we can, instruction during these sessions time are tailored to the youngest or least experienced  member of the family. For this reason, our prices for these sessions are lower than our normal sessions

A perfect introduction and great way to build confidence

For the little ones amongst us, Skiplex provides the perfect introduction to skiing. With their mums, dads, brothers and sisters close by, and the instructor providing them with practically 1 on 1 instruction, its a great environment to build confidence and prepare them for the real thing in resort. By having a few lessons with us first, your children will understand what is meant by 'chips, pizza, snowplough and parallel' so that when they're faced with these phrases in resort, they will be ahead of the game!  What's more, you will have had the joy of watching your child progress and when you're our in resort you can ski as a family and enjoy the whole mountain rather than just the beginner slopes!

Get ahead of the game for your lessons in resort

Often ski school is a great way to meet new skiers their age and have a great time whilst in resort, but for the first time skier, not understanding the terminology, not being used to the heavy boots and what appears to be extended feet and being without parents in the vast mountains, it can often be very overwhelming.