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Basingstoke Reading


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Reading, Basingstoke
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Our Slopes

Skiplex revolving slopes are made of carpet-like material - but don't panic, it's much softer than the traditional dry slopes! We can change the speed and gradient to suit your needs and ability - all whilst you are skiing too, so before you know it you'll be storming the slope at 25mph and the highest gradient!


All our instructors control the speed of the slopes with handheld remotes meaning we can train in a safe, controlled and flexible environment.

View from Front
View from Back
Our Slopes

The mirror at the front allows for immediate and real-time feedback - something that no other ski slope in the country, Alps or Rockies offers!

View from Front
View from Back

Our Slopes

Skiplex's revolving slopes are made of carpet-like material - but don't panic, it's much softer than the traditional dry slopes! We can change the speed and gradient to suit your needs and ability - all whilst you are skiing. Before you know it you'll be storming the Skiplex slope at 25mph and at the highest gradient!