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It is not currently possible to book this online.
Please contact our Chiswick centre to arrange your booking.


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It is not currently possible to book this online.
Please contact us to arrange your booking.


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Basingstoke Reading


We are currently updating our online booking system.
Sorry for any inconvenience. Please use the options below to book your session.

Find Us at:

Reading, Basingstoke
& Chiswick

To Book Call

Unlimited Summer Skiing

We've dropped the price of the Bronze Unlimited Summer Skiing membership! Save £70 and pay only £220 for Unlimited Summer Skiing until the end of September!

We're making it easy for you with four options:

Unlimited Summer Skiing new price

Cancel those gym memberships and get fit at Skiplex learning a new skill as well. Make the most of our packages and benefit right the way through the year!

Get your self booked in at Reading or Basingstoke by giving us a call on , for Chiswick call Jim the Centre manager on


Terms and Conditions do apply, find them here at the bottom of the page.