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Basingstoke Instructor Academy - Week 7

Day 1.

Mock Test for the entire trainee Instructors. We each had to instruct a person of the Instructors choice. He had got people who had never skied or only just started, which did put us on the front line, so to speak.

All of the trainees in our group did well; a few small changes where scenarios make it better, we all learnt something from it that will help us for the main test.

Home work: - Read up on Task Presentation.

Basingstoke Instructor Academy - Week 7

Day 2. 

Using task presentation techniques to improve your own personal performance in an area of your own choice. Mine was to get more on my edges whilst carving.

Home Work: - Read up on Goal Setting.

Basingstoke Instructor Academy - Week 7(2)

 Day 3. 

Setting goals for the rest of the course and to understand importance of setting goals. We each were given a piece of paper to write down what we would like to happen at the end of the course, in six months, and in a years time.

We also had to decide where we see our selves in the skiing ladder of Instructing, due to my age and a previous skiing injury that does restrict flexion moving in one direction. I chose a Level 2 BASI qualification as a more realistic standard for me to reach.

Home Work: - Read up on planning a Skiing Session. Again, we do not know at what level the session will be aimed at so, set out a few ideas in each area, just in case.