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Basingstoke Reading


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Find Us at:

Reading, Basingstoke
& Chiswick

This Is What Your Lesson Includes:

  • A one hour long beginner's session with one of our qualified instructors
  • Comprehensive training in how to put on and use ski equipment
  • Warm up and slope familiarity
  • A step-by-step guide to the basics of skiing, including how to stop and the initial stages of snowplough turning, whilst working on posture, balance and weight transfer
  • Controlling your speed, feeling comfortable on the slope and coming to a halt
  • Recommendations on how to get fit for skiing
  • Recommendations on where to go on your first ski holiday
  • A FREE 2nd lesson if you need it to get comfortable and feel confident
  • A fantastic offer on our starter programme of 6 lessons

At Skiplex, we believe that learning to ski should be fun, enjoyable and not cost the earth. So, our beginners ski lessons are free - you'll only have to pay a small charge of £5 for the equipment hire.

The FREE beginners lesson is suitable for ages 15 to 65 (older if you are fit!)

Choose from a selection of set times and dates. Places per class are limited to six people, so BOOK NOW to secure your place.

Please Note: Limited places are available at each centre and are subject to availability. Places must be booked online. Only one course can be booked per customer. Learn To Ski For Free is only available to new visitors to Skiplex who have not skied before or not skied for a very long time and need to learn the basics again. A charge of £5 will be made for ski and boot hire. Management reserves the right to end or change the offer at any time. Session dates and times are subject to change.

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