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Basingstoke Instructor Academy - Week 4

Week 4. Day 1. Personal training from the central theme, Plough Turning using the TIED model to analyse the session, again we all took turns playing observer, instructor and student at the end of each play roll we discussed how we thought it went and how if any improvements could be made. The TIED model stands for: Task, Information, Evaluate, Develop. I've found it very useful as it allows us to break down each skiing exercise and find areas to make improvments. 

Home Work - Read up on Performance Analysis.

Day 2. Personal Performance based on the Central Theme - plough parallel using the TIED Model to analyse the skiing, we each again played Instructor, observer and student, we then talked about how to improve our part in it during the session. I gained some good points from this exercise, I now know that I am a lot stronger and smoother when moving from right to left so I need to work on my right to left movement, by getting earlier into the turn and smoothing the turn out instead of rushing the turn.

Home Work - Read up on Performance Analysis.

Day 3. Once again Personal Performance - Central Theme - Parallel skiing, use the Tied Model to analyse the lesson, again we each played instructor, observer and student, on completion of each roll play we spoke of how we could improve anything in that section, how it was put over by the instructor or how to improve skiing or lesson some how. Good to see how others see things and can help to tweak task explanation.

Home Work - Read up on Teaching Styles.

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