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Ski School

 Ski School 2

Skiplex would like to invite your children to come along to ski school. From 1st March we will be starting our ski school for children age 6-12yrs on Sunday mornings 9-11am for a period of 6 weeks. It offers children the right environment to learn and develop as well as make new friends and have fun.

During the initial session children will be allocated into different groups according to ability and age enabling students to work together like a race team with their dedicated coach resulting in tracked and significant progress.

At £40 for 2 hours training every week this represents great value and we also offer a further 20% discount for each sibling.

In time the skills and techniques learnt at our ski schools could lead to an invitation to join our race training camps and the chance to compete with the best in The Alps. If you would like more information and to chat through options please don't hesitate to call us on .