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Looking to get fit without having to go to the gym? Join our Ski Fit programme at Skiplex Reading!

OLooking to get fit without having to go to the gym? Join our SkiFit programme at Skiplex Reading!
For just £15 a session we will help you get fit and work out the core muscle groups you use during skiing. Excercises will be in circuit style with different stations for each exercise which you will do for 30-60 seconds then have a rest. This will be followed by a session on the slope to build your fitness.
The benefits of our programme are evident as you will be toning and strengthening your core skiing muscles, improving overall fitness and potentially losing weight! 
You will be focusing on strengthening:
- Quadriceps
- Gluteus maximus 
- Gastrocnemious 
- Hamstrings 
- Triceps
- Knee tendons and ligaments 
- Hip flexors
- Core body strength (Abdominals) 
Group sizes are kept to 6 meaning classes and instruction can be tailored to your requirements. The sessions will be taken by our Reading Duty Manager who took an exercise and sports sciences degree at university. 
Our fitness classes offer a break from the monotony of gym work-outs and are a great way to keep fit generally.
We also have exclusive use of Graham Bell's Skiers Edge machines which we will be incorporating as part of the off-slope exercises.
Starting 20th Jan 2015, our fitness classes are running at:
7:30am -8:30am Tuesdays and Thursdays
9:30am-10:30am Tuesdays and Thursdays
18:30pm - 19:30pm Wednesdays and Fridays

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