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The Skiplex Blog

Welcome to The Skiplex Blog, we are going to be showing you what it's like behind the scenes at Skiplex, our plans for the future and loads of other things going on in the ski industry to keep you upto date. We want to hear what you think. Share your opinion and email

  • Basingstoke Instructor Academy - Week 3

    Week three of the Skiplex Instructor Academy 

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  • Reading Skiplex Instructor Academy - Week 1 (1)

    Reading Skiplex Instructor Academy - Week 1

    Joe Salazar has been working at Skiplex on Saturdays as a centre assistant. He wanted to develop his experience and progress within Skiplex by becoming an instructor. Follow Joe as he takes on our Instructor Academy. 

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  • Basingstoke Instructor Academy - Week 1

    Basingstoke Instructor Academy - Week 1

    Tony Lankenau has been skiing at Skiplex Basingstoke since it opened. At the age of 68 Tony has decided to develop his skiing even further by taking part in our academy. Follow Tony's story here.

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  • 5 Minutes with Charlotte Evans

    5 Minutes with Charlotte Evans

    We were lucky enough to meet and spend some time with Charlotte Evans Paralympic Gold medalist in Meribel recently. We asked her a few questions how she got into her sport and what the Sochi experience was like, enjoy. 

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  • Skiplex/BARSC All Mountain Challenge

    Skiplex/BARSC All Mountain Challenge

    Skiplex and BARSC organised an All Mountain Challenge for the 'minis', the route took them all over Meribel with photo opportunities in various locations. Here is how Team Kandahar lead by Skiplex got on. 

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