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The Skiplex Blog

Welcome to The Skiplex Blog, we are going to be showing you what it's like behind the scenes at Skiplex, our plans for the future and loads of other things going on in the ski industry to keep you upto date. We want to hear what you think. Share your opinion and email

  • My Skiplex Story - Lauren

    My Skiplex Story, by Lauren Aley

    A story by Lauren Aley, about her experience of Skiplex.

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  • So you want to be a ski instructor?

    So you want to be a ski instructor?

    For many  working as a ski instructor is pretty much a dream job. A life spent in the mountains, no commuting, doing what you love day in day out and getting paid to do something most people pay lots of money to do as a holiday, what's not to like? The reality is somewhat different, yes it can be a fantastic job but of course it is seasonal (unless you fancy and endless winter swapping hemispheres each June and October), you need to remain physically fit or you can't work, and you can almost guarantee that on a powder day you'll be teaching the beginner group who won't venture away from the nursery slope…

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  • My Skiplex Story - Alan

    My Skiplex Story, by Alan Cook

    A story by Alan Cook, about his experience of Skiplex.

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  • British Schoolgirl Races in Flaine

    British Schoolgirls Racing Championships in Flaine

    Skiplex were the proud 'gold' sponsors of the British Schoolgirls Races on the 26th and 27th of Jan 2015. Read all about how it went here.

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  • Fit to Ski

    Fit to Ski

    For many people the annual ski holiday involves more physical exertion than any other week of the year. If your job mainly involves sitting at a desk, spending 6 days in a row involved in a sporting activity can take it's toll on the body - soreness, strains and aches are all too common after day one! Even for those who stay active year round, the specific muscles used when skiing are often hard to work in a gym, leading to soreness and potential injury when hitting the slopes.

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